Friday, 20 December 2013

Remedies (direction 3): toothpaste reviews

We have started using a Green People toothpaste. The kids like the mandarin option.

We have tried a Kingfisher toothpaste but I don't like it as it contains SLS - a foaming agent.

I've also been testing a Lavera toothpaste I got from the Unicorn Grocery and I love it. It contains fluoride, which is fine by me, but it doesn't foam too much. It feels satisfyingly gritty and effective - perhaps it contains bicarb.

Merry Christmas!

My older son's teacher provided us with a list of all the children in his class at the start of December, encouraging us to get him to write his name in all the cards.

Well, I hadn't planned on giving out cards at all, but as the cards started piling in, the peer pressure increased... So I decided to make some myself. Here is the second batch: snowflakes cut out in scrap book paper and glued to recycled card. Minimum size, no envelope.

Joyeux NOEL to all!