On 09/06 I tried to make some chocolate hazelnut spread to replace Nutella. I started off with Paul Peacock's recipe in Precycle!, but based on only half of his ingredients, so just 200g of roasted hazelnuts.
Paul's recipe: 400g hazelnuts, 200g caster sugar, 50g cocoa powder.
My attempt: 200g hazelnuts, 75g sugar, 50g cocoa, + 50g milk powder as there is some in Nutella, but I guess that wasn't the best idea to produce something that keeps. Then I grew a bit desperate with the mixture so added 2-3 glugs of sunflower oil, 1 glug of maple syrup, 3-4 glugs of skimmed milk (even worse). That produces enough to fill 2 jars.
Just as well, as nobody ate the result apart from me (a quarter) and the rest grew mouldy. :(
Lesson 1: stick to lemon curd.
Lesson 2: stick to a recipe.
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