Save energy:
¨ Boil water in the kettle for just one mug.
¨ Put a lid on the saucepan.
¨ Put the saucepan on a small hob and turn the heat down.
¨ Use a pressure cooker.
¨ Turn the lights off when you leave the room.
¨ Draw the curtains at dusk.
¨ Keep the fridge door shut.
¨ Keep the oven door shut.
¨ Roast vegetables with your chicken.
¨ Turn the oven off 10 minutes before it’s due.
Save water:
¨ If it’s yellow, let it mellow; if it’s brown, flush it down.
¨ Scrape food off plates before putting in the dishwasher, do not rinse.
¨ Don’t use a hose to wash your car. Use rain water from the water butt.
¨ Save water at the tap before it becomes hot to drink later or water plants.
¨ Save vegetable cooking water to water plants.
Reduce waste:
¨ Use cereal plastic bags for sandwiches and fruit.
¨ Do not use cling film.
¨ Keep paper for drawings and notes.
¨ Have a spare plastic bag on you.
¨ Save screws and bolts.
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