Monday, 21 January 2013

The Pledge

In November 2012, we took a pledge, inspired by the Earth Summit Pledge:

Save energy:
¨  Boil water in the kettle for just one mug.
¨  Put a lid on the saucepan.
¨  Put the saucepan on a small hob and turn the heat down.
¨  Use a pressure cooker.
¨  Turn the lights off when you leave the room.
¨  Draw the curtains at dusk.
¨  Keep the fridge door shut.
¨  Keep the oven door shut.
¨  Roast vegetables with your chicken.
¨  Turn the oven off 10 minutes before it’s due.
Save water:
¨  If it’s yellow, let it mellow; if it’s brown, flush it down.
¨  Scrape food off plates before putting in the dishwasher, do not rinse.
¨  Don’t use a hose to wash your car. Use rain water from the water butt.
¨  Save water at the tap before it becomes hot to drink later or water plants.
¨  Save vegetable cooking water to water plants.
Reduce waste:
¨  Use cereal plastic bags for sandwiches and fruit.
¨  Do not use cling film.
¨  Keep paper for drawings and notes.
¨  Have a spare plastic bag on you.
¨  Save screws and bolts.

It's really helped us focus better. But it's due an upgrade!


  1. Thank you for visiting my blog :)

    How is your pledge going? I think we do most of these already, apart from the pressure cooker thing, though I want one.

    Good luck with it!

  2. Hi Aurora,
    thanks for your comment. Oh dear, it's already been a month.
    The pledge is going so-so. I really need to do another one to rally the troops. Turning the lights off when you leave the room is still an issue for DH, and DS1 dithers with the fridge door open, hesitating between creme au caramel and petit filou! I also broke the tap of the water butt and one of my house plants is really disagreeing with broccoli cooking water...
    But you're right to want a pressure cooker, they're fab. I have got a very deep one I use to make litres of chicken stock and soup. You can get one from Groupon at the moment, have you noticed?
